Monday, June 21, 2010

Blissful love – or maybe not!

LOVE! The stars in your head. The spring in your step. Those butterflies playing hopscotch in your tummy. Those day dreams. That twinkle in your eye. Your heart skipping a beat.
Sorry to break the bubble sirs and madams. It is all a big load of BULL!
Love is not a Karan Johar blockbuster. It does not guarantee happy endings. It is not a pretty little feeling which can be enough for your entire lifetime. I am sorry to play Tsunami to that sand castle of yours, but love is not the antidote to your colourless life.
A month of being in love and the little devil lifts its ugly head, flicks the carpet from right under your feet and you fall on your bum with the dust swirling all around you. Wake up time dreamers!

Love makes you INSECURE: You think you give ample space to your partner? And are you absolutely sure that he/ she is loyal to you and completely trustworthy? Could your guy not be harbouring secret feelings for that leggy chick? Are you certain that your girl is not encouraging that dude’s advances? NO. You can never be certain. Soon Mr. Doubt would come knocking on your door and he’d keep knocking until you lose your night’s sleep. Love and insecurity are an unavoidable package deal.

Love makes you lose CONFIDENCE: “Holy crow! A pimple! Rahul/Puja would be disgusted!“
“Oh lord! I am so fat. Why does XYZ have to be better looking than me?”
“Would he/she notice that I am wearing the same dress I wore last week?”
Ladies and Gentlemen, say hello to paranoia and under – confidence. You always knew that you are not perfect. Love will thrust this knowledge right in your face flashing in neon lights. Now all you will be worried about is: “Why am I not perfect?”

Love HURTS: Does he love me more than I love him? In that case my love won’t be enough and he’ll leave me.
Does she love me less than I love her? Then she’d think I am imposing myself too much.
He didn’t remember our “First – Chocolate – We – Shared – Together” anniversary. He doesn’t love me the same now.
She doesn’t text me 40 times a day now. She has changed.
Love is the best magnifier in the whole love! In the beginning, every little gesture would seem special. But a few weeks in the relationship, every minor slip would look like a HUGE tragedy. Your heart will ache for every text which wasn’t replied to under 3 minutes. You will shed bucket loads of salty water for every 30 minutes he/ she did not call. Nothing would remain petty. Welcome to the world of extreme exaggeration.

Love makes you a BITCH/ DOG: Oh, I know you are very understanding and forgiving and sweet. 6 months and you would be like every other person in a relationship. Demanding and stubborn. Your interrogation will never end and the answers would never be satisfactory. You’ll raise your eyebrows at every drop of the hat and never let an opportunity of being suspicious slip. Where were you? What were you wearing? Why did you not call? Why did you text? What are you hiding? Why did you wear perfume? Blah blah blah! Or rather Bow Wow Bow!

Oh please, don’t get me wrong. It is not my intention to make you anti – love. I just want to show you the reality. This is the reason for most break – ups which are always ugly. So, the best way is to accept love as it is. It is a shade card with extremes of hot pinks and grays. Accept love as it is. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t turn out like that fairy tale. The happy moments might not be many, but they certainly would seem as many if you untangle the messed up bits with patience and care.


Anonymous said...

gr8...all u write is truth...cmpletely still being in love nd loving sm1 is the best feeling in the whole wrld...:)

Aditya said...

gud one pinks....
wud not agree but wont disagree either....
but love with ingredients such as mutual respect, care and understanding brings on confidence and makes u feel secure all the time.....
i may be naive with the same but still feels if the above r met the life gonna rock fr u!!!

and last but not the least ma saali rocks all the time...cheers:)