Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Order Order!

I have often said (in my blogs and otherwise) and believed that I am a good person. But good people can make mistakes too even though unintentionally. The past couple of months have made me realise that I am a little mean. And I will be honest in admitting that I can be very very mean if I am not careful. Although its all in humour which makes most people laugh but this humour is often at the cost of someone's dignity. A sly comment on someone's dressing sense  on their face or behind their back, a straight up insult hidden in humour about their accent, or simply a joke at the expense of their appearance. I have often made many people laugh with my quick and witty comments about strangers we pass, acquaintences or even friends. But when I put myself in the other person's shoes, my spontaneity and quick wit just seem rude and mean. So I have taken a decision of not being judgemental.

"I vow to try and not judge people negatively based on anything because no one has given me the special power to pass judgement and comments on anyone."

I know it will be difficult but it is indeed worth a try. Its been almost a week since I gave this small assignment to myself. So I try and change the negative thoughts into positive. The little insults into appreciation for any other trait. Although the edge to my quick wit has become a little blunt but in exchange I feel at peace with myself. Controlling the tongue and more importantly, controlling the thoughts is more tough. Besides, my opinion, whether made in good humour or with malice, might influence others opinion towards something/ someone. Even if it doesn't, now it will certainly make my heart heavy.
No, I won't preach my philosophy or urge other people to follow suit because that again, is a personal choice. But if it continues to make me feel good about myself, I shall try and keep up with it.

*Feeling light and happy*