Monday, May 27, 2019

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – Election 2019

Image result for election 2019
I am at a loss of words. But I still want to document my thoughts about what is probably India’s largest, dirtiest and most passionate electoral battle till date. Despite different analysis by some leading psephologists, journalists, analysts and many common people like you and me, Modi won (again). A landslide victory. Stunning millions of people like me. Most Modi bhakts and many analysts are not surprised. They believe it was evident. Evident because Modi’s ideology resonates with that of Indians (or Hindus?). Evident because the fakir can have no hidden objective, commercial interest. Because Modi’s family is the nation and not his estranged wife and old mother who only resurfaces during significant political moments.

But it was not evident for me. Even after all the exit polls indicated the same thing, I still had hope. Hope that the ‘liberal’ and ‘secular’ won’t be misconstrued as dirty, unethical words. Hope that India’s core values of democracy, unity in diversity, secularism will resurface. It is obvious that I undermined the obvious undercurrent of vikas, need to bring Hindutva under the spotlight and make economy, communalism, secularism take side roles. My vision was coloured too. I admit saying on multiple occasions - ‘anyone but Modi’. In my list, corrupt, megalomanianc, cynical leaders fared better than the pied piper who now has the power to take India anywhere it wants. And history has proven often that absolute power corrupts.

But despite my natural inclinations, I am urging myself to be optimistic. And I do believe, that whatever stance anyone held during the built up to the election, it is time to restore peace and get life back to normal. This election was the dirtiest one ever. It brought out the worst in people. Whichever side they were on (there were only 2 – pro Modi and anti Modi), most people I knew were bitter, loud, abusive, tenacious, condescending, know-it-alls, angry, smug, mean, uncouth, rude, depressed and/or sad. Seniors at work misused their seniority to impose their political inclinations on their subordinates, friends became enemies, hundreds of people exited Whatsapp groups after heated arguments (that just might have been a blessing in disguise though), like property wasn’t a big enough issue – families fought over politics as well, trolls ran amuck on social media dissing people into depression. Things got very ugly. I was mean to many people. Many people were mean to me. But it didn’t balance out the scale. It just made matters worse.

Like it, love it, bear it or hate it, Modi has swept the elections. Pro-Modi people are celebrating with mild comments like ‘told you so’ or stronger sentiments like ‘Modi haters, which country will you now go to?, Modi will ensure that the haters are weeded out, anti Modi people are disillusioned, confused, weak and unintelligent and worse. Those who disagree or vehemently disagree with Modi’s ideology will respond by not responding or starting their own mean comments like ‘The overall IQ of India is less than that a herd of sheep’, India is headed to a dark place, this is the end of India as we know it – secular and communal. But what use will it be? These sentiments – especially sentiments of those who ensured Modi came back with a landslide victory shocking all his political competitors – will be misused by the ruling government to lead them towards their alleged agenda of a single minded, non-democratic India. Sentiments of those against Modi will be exploited to create problems for the current government. But what good will it be to us?

Whether we are celebrating or dissing this victory, it is time to bring things back to ‘normal’. Stop calling each other names. Stop thinking ones with different ideology are less competent. Stop boasting. Stop roasting. It is okay to appreciate the government, just as it is okay for the people to question the government. We are the common people who can do extraordinary things simply by having the other’s back – in spite of their political inclination, caste, colour, creed, religion, region, sexual orientation or even taste of music. Let us look beyond the surface to what are the things we need to fix to truly grow better as a society. Whether we do it by hating Modi or worshipping him - does not matter (now). What matters is that we play a role in society’s betterment and have the same ideologies when it comes to what the society needs – peace, brotherhood, love among other things like economic security, safety, development for all.

We have taken our time to celebrate or grieve this election’s result. Let us spend the next 5 years in ensuring that we are better people. I’m going to start by practicing what I am preaching.

Jai Hind!



You write how I feel, even if I can’t express it. I look forward to your writing. YOU have your opinions and you are very proud of them and that's what makes me feel how wonderful you are. Hope the world has more people like you and may all of us get "ENLIGHTENED" by such stuff frequently. Not only did i read 1 2 or 3 but all of them and must remind you that you are great. Hope that this comment of mine reaches you and makes you happy. KEEP WAVIN' GIRL!!!!!!!!

The Half Truth said...

Hi Amisha! Your comment made my day! Thank you for your kind words. It is little things like these that keep me going. :)