Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Power of Democracy

Some say democracy leads to mediocrity,

But that's not always true,

For we have chosen greatness,

And the greats are only few.

Now greatness can swerve either way,

A great evil or a great good.

But it's rare for one event to be both,

Or maybe not as rare as it should.

I am a simple, stupid nobody,

Could never understand basic stuff.

Apparently, 'Right' and 'Wrong' aren't universally standard,

Who knew this categorization could be so tough!

As a child, I was taught to be kind,

Now I'm told kindness isn't for all.

Some deserve sympathy beyond measure,

And some deserve to be mocked when they fall.

I was told an eye for an eye would make the world blind,

We should forgive the past and look ahead.

But now I'm asked to remember, never forget,

'Keep fuelling the anger', they said.

But I'm not really angry,

At least not for the reasons they are preaching.

I don't care that someone is sleeping,

And claiming someone is dangerously multiplying is simply reaching.

But I am not happy either, 

Maybe ambivalent about a brand new temple.

I'm indifferent to the other achievements that I fail to recollect,

But I have been aggressively told they are ample.

I read that the opposite of love isn't hatred,

It is indifference, apathy, lack of interest.

And my anger at issues that I found burning is fading,

At the rare happy stuff, I find I'm losing that zest.


But my dying faith in democracy was recently revived,

I'm not a fan yet, but maybe democracy isn't that bad,

Maybe we do realize the difference between 'wrong' and 'right',

Maybe we have outgrown made-up issues a tad.

Maybe we can see beyond a single colour,

Maybe about issues like a temple, we care less.

All said and done, democracy is less damaging than a dictatorship,

And mediocrity can be more beneficial than certain greatness.

Maybe we still have it in us to choose correctly,

To prioritize things that matter more,

Democracy's need and power have become evident,

Maybe even more than before.

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