Children. The future of our country. They have so much responsibility on their frail little shoulders (I am excluding the obese kids from here obviously. I don't think they'd be able to do much good later with this fat body and Type 2 diabetes that they are sure to get). But despite the high expectations their parents, grandparents, society, city, country and the entire world has from them (after all, battling global warming will fall on them), they do manage to make us envious by having fun and doing things we wish we could do again. We ohh - aah at their innocence, smile at their carefree laughter and have a laugh at the expense of their naughty but oh - so - cute antics.
Well, yeah, that's what used to happen till about 10 years back maybe. This new batch of kids is engineered way differently. They grow older at an astonishing pace which bewilders the on - lookers. You may be thinking that growth is good then why am I sounding negative? Well, growth isn't always good, in this case I strongly disagree. The kids these days (yes, I said it. You can call me a 100 years old now officially), they are growing into becoming men and women when they are still in their nickers! I can't help but gape open mouthedly at my 6 year old niece who rattles off the latest developments in all saas - bahu soaps and looks at me like I am a cave woman who isn't educated enough about daily soaps! I feel sorry for the boys in my street and in my family who can talk in technical jargon about the latest PlayStations and combat games but don't know what vish - amrit, oonch neech ka paala, maaram - pitti, pitthu or kho - kho is. And when you suggest to play hide and seek or catch, they'll give you the look which will make you feel like you are dressed in your pyjamas at an all formal party.
And their parents! Oh my! They gush about how their kid learnt to download the latest cricket game on their personal iPad which they were gifted on their 3rd birthday or are way too much particular about how they look or show off their 4 year old kid's Facebook profile which the kid manages on his own. These are not things to be proud of! What happened to being street smart? Coming home dirty after an evening of playing in the ground? Or being plain sweet and innocent and unaware of what Benetton or Playstation is?
Maybe I am too old fashioned. They kids are more intelligent than how I used to be when I was that old (again at the risk of sounding way too old). Maybe television, Playstations, iPads are the new way to learn. But then is this justified?
I came across this poster while shopping with my mum. The expression on the girl's face, her pose, her dress appalled me! No, I get it. Children are way too exposed to be left out of the advertising world. People demand it. But what happened to the milky tooth smile and twinkle in the eye and the cute poses! I mean, wake up parents. Is this what you wanted? Dwarf adults in your house?
There is a video circulating these days on Whatsapp. I don't understand the purpose of it. It is not funny and it gives no message. It is just sad and maybe the near future as well.
I strongly think it is inspired by the present. And it won't be long when you hear kids talking in this tone. Have you imagined what might happen if your 8 year old watches this video on his personal smartphone and tries this tome on you?
Am I the only one thinking there is something wrong? Or if there really is something wrong, who is to blame? Parents, friend circle, television, internet? I have come across parents who are really worried and have no clue where their kid learns this stuff from. Maybe it is embedded in the gene code of this new generation. If this is how this generation is, how will the coming ones be? *Shudder* Makes me seriously want to adopt a puppy than plan a baby.
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