We might not be a clean and green country with a robust economy but India has one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the globe. We have a unique character. Brits are snobs. Americans are jolly. Australians are shrewd. Africans are...well... black. But Indians- the word which does justice to us is, unpredictable.
Despite years of trying to look suave and cool like the west, India's image is still that of an eccentric, poor and culture rich country. Just like our nation, we all try to fit in somewhere. We try so hard to blend in our new office, neighbourhood, in - laws family, even in a fancy restaurant we are paying to eat at. Sometimes we succeed too. But mostly we just end up feeling uncomfortable and someone we are not. So why try so hard to pretend when the characteristic we are trying most hard to hide is the one which sets us apart.
For those who follow the hit TV series, How I Met Your Mother, it might not be unbelievable that my favourite is Barney Stintson's. His character is a heady mix of a womaniser (understated) and a romantic who'll do anything to keep his beloved happy. Despite being rich, suit clad 24*7 and legen-wait for it-dary, his character is easy to hate with the way he objectifies women but irresistible for his unconditional love for his friends. I could guess the characterisation of the rest of the characters in the first episode but Barney surprised me in each season. That is what set him apart.
No, I'm not paid to do PR for HIMYM. The point I want to make is, different is good. Trying to make ourselves into someone acceptable and likable won't work for long. If we are different, let people categorise us as that. Which would be better than being thought about as a person we are not and have to work hard to be.
Save the disguises for the theatre. Being yourself is in! And that is what will set us apart.
Despite years of trying to look suave and cool like the west, India's image is still that of an eccentric, poor and culture rich country. Just like our nation, we all try to fit in somewhere. We try so hard to blend in our new office, neighbourhood, in - laws family, even in a fancy restaurant we are paying to eat at. Sometimes we succeed too. But mostly we just end up feeling uncomfortable and someone we are not. So why try so hard to pretend when the characteristic we are trying most hard to hide is the one which sets us apart.
No, I'm not paid to do PR for HIMYM. The point I want to make is, different is good. Trying to make ourselves into someone acceptable and likable won't work for long. If we are different, let people categorise us as that. Which would be better than being thought about as a person we are not and have to work hard to be.
Save the disguises for the theatre. Being yourself is in! And that is what will set us apart.
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