It was a really tiring day. I went to work. The metro was crowded. The work was really exhausting. It was a long shift. The pressure was too much. The metro back home was crowded too. I have an early morning shift tomorrow so I should probably sleep early. But I have this assignment to finish…
Stop right there! If your diary or mind is full of such thoughts at the end of the day, then you are in some serious trouble here mate. The only difference between you and a pre – programmed robot would be fuel composition. More than 70% people in the world are doing a monotonous job. (CAUTION: The facts are based on nothing at all but my personal opinion which again, can’t be held in high regard. Regardless, if you have been following my blog, you should have become smart enough to understand the point and ignore the fictional data. Moving on…). If all these people have their minds full of work and work and more work, then our planet earth would be invaded by robot like humans! I can imagine zombie like people walking the earth in a mechanical fashion with glazed eyes and wires sprouting from their brains. Aaaarrgh! Mere thought of it is scary!
So coming straight to point. Why does our life have to revolve around work? Many of my critics would argue (as that’s the only thing they are good at) that we spend around two – thirds of our day, if not more, at our work place or travelling to and from work. One third of the day is spent sleeping which I strongly assert is so not enough! Which leaves us with around 6 hours for our own selves. So logically, our life has to revolve around our jobs. But my dear buggers, the way to work can be rather interesting if you pay a little attention. And now follows one of my famous examples:
I travel around 3 hours everyday to and from work. Most of the journey is via Metro. The view isn’t really breathtaking, but it is rather interesting. My shift is early morning so I see the sky changing colour. I count the buildings. I test by memory by trying to predict which building would be next. My favourite stretch is between Indraprastha and Yamuna Bank . There is a railway bridge over Yamuna and the banks are so green and the birds fly over it and twice I saw two trains crossing on the bridge. It is just awe inducing. I involuntarily smile whenever the metro crosses this beautiful sight and people stare at me thinking I’ve gone mental!
And when I am underground, I pay extra attention to people. They can be so unintentionally funny at times! Especially the aunties. They’ll fit their ample derrière in a space where none exists forcing the others to sit on half their bum or get off the seat. Or the uncles who’ll talk so loudly on their flashy Chinese handsets. Or the Bihari young man who’ll play cheap Hindi songs or old English tracks or loud Punjabi numbers on their cheap cellulars to impress the ladies! Or the college crowd which tries to look cool with their earplugs while trying to look indifferent as they check out potential girlfriend and boyfriends. It is such an interesting mix of cultures.
And then there is so much to observe at your work place (to a level which doesn’t interfere your work of course!). So it doesn’t have to be all about your job. You don’t have to be mechanical. The world around you is so full of amazing things which deserve your attention!
So join the observational drive today and save the earth from robotic invasion!
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