Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Too early. Too soon.

Dedicated to my sister

I have been singing it since the day it got finalized. The wedding is on the twenty third of the eleventh month of the tenth year of the 21st century. 23.11.2010. It is still months away! Then why do the preparations have to begin half a year before? I have been on innumerable shopping trips in this sweltering Delhi summer. I have suffered dehydration, near fainting spells, uncouth crowd of Karol Bagh and near accidents (thanks to Dad’s rash driving skills!) for this still – so – far – away wedding. And oh, it is not even MY wedding. I know she is my only sibling, my elder sister (though I still believe she might be adopted, explanations in some other post :P). I am very glad for her, but then why torture me for her perfect wedding? Honestly, I have not put in much effort to conceal, fabricate or exaggerate my less – than – acceptable enthusiasm towards the wed- talk (as I like to call it) at the dinner table. I don’t even bother to try to look interested while my Ma and sister launch into long discussions on new designs rampant in the ever blooming textile industries. I have even stopped nodding during a serious conversation between Ma and Dad over what to gift to which relative – in – law. I can almost feel the false smile slide off my face after exact 6 strenuous seconds of congratulatory phone calls from far off relatives who have a million or two suggestions to offer. My point being, it is too early for all this.

Take today for instance. The would – be bride wanted to learn how to tie a sari. And the teacher that my mother is, she couldn’t let this opportunity to teach the art of tying this 9 yard cloth, pass. So we all gathered in Ma’s bedroom while she chose the tester sari. I watched as Ma wrapped the soft fabric around my sister’s tiny little waist and the enthusiastic student moved her hands and eyes animatedly to learn as much as she could. She was listening in rapt attention, I could tell by the little frown between her eyebrows, as Ma passed on her knowledge to her daughter. Taking my sister’s hand, Ma taught her how to make perfect folds for a graceful sari. My sister was nodding, asking questions and nodding again as Ma expertly tied the 9 yards of fabric into an elegant sari. I saw the bride smile and twirl happily as the scarlet cloth swirled around her dainty frame. Yes, I did say bride because that is how I was imagining her. In my mind’s eye I saw the 23 year old girl evolve from a girl into a woman. I saw her face as she concentrated on the task at hand. I observed her hands as she tried her hand at tying the sari. I watched as she smiled after doing it on her own. I saw her pride and joy. I could feel the happiness she was feeling but restraining because she didn’t me to tease her. This was the most beautiful moment of my day today. And then I realized it is not about the wedding preparations alone. It is about being happy together. It is all about sharing my sister’s joy and happiness and pleasure as she prepares to write a new chapter in her life. It is about being family. It is about showing our love. It is about wanting the best for her. And now I want it too; a perfect wedding for my sister. Because too soon she would be gone.

And now I have to go. Time for another shopping trip. We have to hurry up with the preparations. Six months, after all, is not enough time and so many things are yet to be done and said.

Jiji, I love you.


Sonal said...

AAAWWWWW! What an adorable post! I love how u have written what u have written!
The initial part of the post reminded me of shruti's description of her miserable life before her sister's wedding.. :P
and now u too.. guess i m going to go thru the same in a few years.. But I am sure it is all worth it.. for the sake of the amazing older sisters that we are blessed with! Despite what they put us through, they deserve all the happiness :D

P.S: My advance wishes to Chinki for the perfect wedding..and for the perfect and-they-lived-happily-ever-after life :)

adi said...

Good one Pinks and Thanks a Lot....

Do keep us updated

Luv u for this:)

The Half Truth said...

Thank you so much.
@sonal: Sisters are the worst and the best!
@jijaji: Love u too!!