A fortnight back I thought of jotting down a few characteristics or peculiar quirks of mine which define ME. After 2 weeks, following is the list I compiled in no particular order. It helped me to know myself better.
*I feel very conscious when people talk to me looking at my lips and not my eyes.
* If I am looking at my phone again and again while talking to you, then it is a signal that you are making me uncomfortable.
* If my smile doesn't show my gums, then its my practised polite smile. Not genuine.
* I totally dig toilet humour.
* If you do something for me, even if trivial by your standards, it would take a lot of convincing to make me believe that you are a bad guy for others.
* I sit on the toilet seat reading books for as long as an hour or till someone bangs the door.
* I take my most beloved people for granted although I expect a lot from them.
* I sing aloud in the metro.
* It really matters to me what people think about me, even if those people are complete strangers.
* I can count my "friends" on my fingers.
* I bite my lip when I am concentrating, worrying or blushing.
* Many people will realise that they have shared their life's secrets with me while I haven't been so open.
* I like being alone, hate being lonely.
* I cry while reading most of the books.
* I am a brilliant bathroom singer. Somehow the same songs don't sound too good in any other setting.
* I am a little over confident about my gadget related skills. When in real, I know I am the one eyed one amongst the blind.
* I suck with money management.
* I am not comfortable meeting acquaintances unexpectedly. Generally, I end up avoiding them and don't acknowledge them if I spot them in a public place. But if the other person spots me and strikes a conversation, in most cases I feel grateful for the company.
* I am not a people person. (People at my workplace won't be very happy with this considering I am supposed to be a guest relations executive).
* I feel guilty for mistakes committed by others.
* I am jealous of girls with straight silky hair.
* My hair look good in my bathroom mirror, awry in my bedroom mirror and pathetic in every other mirror.
* If you haven't seen me angry, you don't know me.
* I am a better writer than conversationalist.
* I may come across as a wise girl to some, but I am not famous for following my own advice.
* I miss my sister, but I would kill myself before admitting it to her face.
* I don't have any favourite colour, song, actor or food.
* I have terrible choice when it comes to clothes.
* I can't window shop. I can't shop. Period.
* I am always more excited about the car/ train/ bus journey than the trip itself.
* Although I might brag about knowing lots about and liking international cinema, I almost always end up watching/ re-watching a Hollywood rom - com when in the mood for a movie.
* My memory isn't half as good as a 21 year old's should be.
* I don't like making or taking calls unless I am extremely close to you. I am more of a text and email person.
* I think I manage to look decently good if I take pains. But I detest taking pains.
* Until 2010, I did not know how to apply kohl.

* I am funny.
* I have had close to 200 crushes in all my 21 years.
* I find it hard to believe that someone might have the hots for me.
* I can be a b*tch if I am your friend. You are perfectly safe if you are just an acquaintance.
* I get restless when I have to wander aimlessly. I prefer to plan things in advance.
* I usually skip through a much loved song or forward it when I am listening to it on my music player. But I wish to listen again and again when I come across it accidentally on the FM.
* I like dogs more than I like little babies.
* I name my gadgets, popular ones being Bobby (my BlackBerry) and Pintu (my netbook).
* I maintain a diary.
* My ego is more inflated than an average guy's.
* If I happen to hold a grudge against someone, it takes a while before I forgive, if I ever do.
I might have missed many. If you think you know me, please add to the list.